July 18, 2024

Life // Wandering Around

The 18th of July 2024

Lately, in the spirit of being healthy, I've been wandering around aimlessly a lot to get my steps in. I feel like only a handful of years ago I used to consider myself such a city person but now I'm really not that sure anymore. I love the convenience of it all but I feel much better surrounded by peace and quiet nowadays. It's a bit weird how much you can change over a short period of time I guess, maybe it will all settle back around and I'll emotionally end up in the city again?

Living in Amsterdam can be really difficult. It's very charming but it's also incredibly busy. Some people refer to it as a theme park these days. There are too many tourist and because of that it seems that slowly all stores that go bankrupt (Due to increasing costs) are being replaced with tourist traps instead. Or in general stores that have no use for people that actually live here...

I didn't notice it all that much until the pandemic hit. In those early days I liked to spend a lot of time outside because it was suddenly very quiet. Walking around in the city center had a totally different feel than before, it was really odd. Places that were always crowded were basically empty now. Before that time, and a little during that time I was still eager to find a house right in the middle of all the hustle and bustle. I wanted to live somewhere where exciting things would happen! 

Which to begin with, is absolutely dumb, because I am definitely the type of person to open a window to see who is making such a terrible noise. I'm much better off watching excitement from far away but not having it on my doorstep. I think it's also amusing how many black metal artists live out in small towns or in the rural countryside. They seem to have a pretty deep connection with nature. Maybe it's all the noise from their productions that make them desire the quiet though? I still like their music though.

In any case, nowadays I like to take my walks through quiet areas of the city or preferably in nature. The issue is that I am a little lazy so I don't always venture too far. There is a park not that far from my house which has a lot of very pleasant areas but I feel like I've seen it too much lately. I think in a previous entry I spoke about wanting to go to the forest but so far I've not been successful in that adventure. 

I should really be going because there are goats there, and just a lot more ground that I have not discovered at all. But I'd have to get my bicycle out as well since don't really want to take the tram there, or something like the bus. I could make a deal with my best friend to go there together since it's marvelous for her dog as well but I'd still have to go all the way to her house. Life is so difficult...

Aside from all of this, I put in a request for a really nice apartment in the east of the city. It's not really my ideal location but it's in a quiet area and there are a lot of stores nearby which would be great for daily life essentials. 

And the apartment itself is really just too cute! It's a one bedroom apartment but it has a sort of split level/loft situation going on. The loft is mentioned as being more for storage but I think the height is roughly 172cm which is a little higher than my height. It sure doesn't look like that on the photos but they might be deceptive. I hope I'll at least get an invite to look at the place because it would be marvelously charming to have all my beautiful furniture in there...

I suppose we will see what will happen. Positive thoughts in any case! In the mean time I'll keep wandering about the trees and the grass.

- This would be my ideal living location at the moment, I can dream a little -

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