The 31st of December 2024
It's already the end of the year! I will admit to being a bit blind sided by this year, it doesn't feel like we are already at the finish line of a whole calendar year. I think in my own mind we may still be lingering around somewhere in October? Maybe I've been daydreaming a bit too much and I've lost the plot somewhere along the way.
Still, I'd like to think I had a pretty pleasant year if I look back at it. These days I think that every single year I get a firmer grasp on who I am as a person and what kind of things that I enjoy. Every year my room becomes just a little cozier and just a little more pleasant. Even right now I have all these little ideas here and there how to maximize my comfort for the coming months, which will still be a little cold.
Just the other day, on the 29th, I celebrated my birthday. For the most part I had a lovely quiet day inside of the house which is exactly how I like them to be. Of course I did have a little pitstop at my parents for a cup of tea and to receive my gifts. This year I received two beautiful Joni Mitchell records, I've been really enjoying her reissues on colored vinyl. I am particularly looking forward to Night Ride Home to be released at some point in time which has one of my favorite songs called Two Grey Rooms.
In any case this year I once again found out how you can find connections in music. I spend a fair amount of time pottering around on various Kate Bush forums and pages, just chatting about her works and what I would hope the next one would sound like. However just this year I began speaking to a lovely fan called Thomas more often, we both share a deep love for her music and it's been wonderful being able to rattle on about all of the little details that may bore our everyday friends to a slow death.
And on the Kate Bush forum on tapatalk I received a lovely birthday message from another user, we share the same birthday but in vastly different decades and he felt like it would be nice to send a message. I was thrilled to receive it! He forwarded me a lovely song connected to another artist that I had expressed a love for and it was just so sweet to receive it. I really do wish the best for people who take the time out of their day to send kindness to someone else.
Of course I did reply to wish him a very joyful birthday as well. I hope he had a very pleasant day. I told him that this time of the year in some way is my favorite. The holidays have passed, our birthdays are over and we only have the New Years celebrations right in front of us. However after the festivities have lost their spark we just have the cold winter left in front of us.
I often find that this time of the year is the most important for self care, and to find something to carry us over to the beginning warmth of spring. I like to make additional efforts to find new music in this period as music is truly the balm for the soul in many ways. This is also why I was so happy to be forwarded some music, the path to new discoveries started early this year!
As for the coming new year. I hope that anyone who finds themselves on this page by accident will have the most joyful 2025. We are all probably a little worried about the future but on a day to day basis we can only try to find joy in the small things, and to be kind to all of the people in our surroundings. And then hopefully we can all find a brighter future to look forward too.
I have no particular goals for the new year to come. I'd like to remain active, and to perhaps venture out into nature a little bit more. Although maybe I'll do that when the good weather returns to me?
- Unrelated, but I'd love to live somewhere like here. A nice quiet life -